Salus Duo contains live-celled green algae strains and beneficial bacteria. 

The components of Salus Duo and their beneficial effects:


  • The preparation contains two species of the true green algae (Chlorophyta) tribe (Chlorella sp., Chlamydomonas sp.) in live cell form. 
  • Enzymes, hormones, amino acids synthesized by algae cells, bioactive substances that support plant immune processes. Through their hormone production, algae have a stimulating effect on the growth of the root and green mass of cultivated plants. Intensive root growth improves nutrient uptake by the cultivated plant. 
  • Salus Duo increases the immunity of the cultivated plant. 
  • A healthier herd is better able to overcome smaller waves of infection. 
  • After treatment, the plants start to grow intensively after a few days. 
  • Treatment stimulates development, fruit set, increases the quantity and quality of the fruit, and increases the content of the fruit.


  • The preparation contains Azotobacter strains in live cell form. 
  • The Azotobacter strains bind atmospheric nitrogen through their vital activity, so that the N is released by decomposition after the death of the cells and is directly available to the plant. 
  • Pseudomonas fluorescens produces excellent metal-complex formers that help plants and algae absorb microelements. 
  • They stimulate the growth of algae living in the product. 


  • To increase its effectiveness, our product delivers meso- and micronutrients in the form of amino acid chelates to the leaf surface, which ensures rapid plant uptake. 
  • Our preparation therefore also has the well-known growth promoting, internal content and flavor complex developing, ripening or color development effects of amino acid chelate-based micronutrient plant conditioning preparations. 
  • The product is suitable for the targeted and timed treatment of phenophases and plant stress situations with specific micronutrient requirements. 
  • With the directly accessible amino acids, we help the plant's protein-building processes, and thus can save energy for other processes of plant development. 
  • Through amino acids, we also contribute to an energetically efficient N supply for the plant.

When do we use it? 

At the earliest, from the 2-4 leaf development stage, applied 1-3 times, at a maximum concentration of 5%. 

Depending on the development of the plants, but at the earliest from the 2-4 leaf development stage, applied 1-3 times at a maximum concentration of 5%, leaving a difference of 14-21 days between each treatment. 


  • for foliar treatment of field crops in the amount of 5-10 Liter/Hectare 
  • for foliar treatment in outdoor vegetable cultivation, in quantities of 5-15 Liter/Hectare
  • in vegetable shoots with drip irrigation in an amount of 3-5 ml/plant, in a maximum concentration of 5%, applied every 10-14 days.

Can be stored: 

  • At a temperature between 5-10 °C for 6 months.
  • At a temperature between 10-20 °C for 3 months.
  • At a temperature between 20-30 °C for 6 week.